Institute for Oil Sands Innovation

at the University of Alberta

~ Energy ~ Environment ~ Research ~ Technologies ~

Research Themes

~ Extraction  ~ Mining ~ Instrumentation ~ Value-added products ~

Laboratory & Services

Technical support for IOSI researchers, as well as external services

Become an Investigator

IOSI regularly announces open calls for letters of intent and proposals

The Institute for Oil Sands Innovation (IOSI) at the University of Alberta is built on the partnership between the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Engineering, Imperial Oil Resources Limited, and Alberta Innovates. Some projects are carried out in collaboration with Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) with Pathways Alliance. Our research projects are often leveraged by financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

IOSI attracts and supports researchers from postsecondary institutions and R&D companies in Canada and abroad to bridge the knowledge and technology gaps in oil sands operations and build intellectual capital.

~ Vision ~

sustainable oil sands operations, yielding competitive high-quality products with a reduced environmental footprint, lowering greenhouse gas and other emissions, consuming less energy, and minimizing water and land use

~ Mission ~

to promote, build capacities, and fund research with commercialization potential that leads to environmentally, economically, and socially responsible development of Canada’s mineable oil sands resources, with a focus on the training of highly-qualified workforce for tomorrow


years since foundation


personnel trained





